My contact data for QSL-Card

Operator:   Detlef  Sachs

Street:  Meller Str. 15

City:  D - 49082 Osnabrück   

Country:  Germany   

Bundesland: Niedersachsen  


QTH  locator:  JO42AG

Loc/DFCI: JO42AG63

Prefix: 13

Breitengrad: 52º15'56.28 N ,  Längengrad: 008.º03'22.27 O , Höhe ü. nN: 68m

(Please write your adress on your QSL-Card, then I will send a QSL-Card,too)

Thank you for the nice QSO!

55 / 73 for you and your family

I hope to meet you again!

(Auf "Wappen" klicken, um die Karte von Niedersachsen anzuzeigen / Click on 'coat of arms' to indicate the map of Lower Saxony)